The condition of your trees and shrubs can affect the curb appeal of your property in Texas, so it's crucial to keep them in tip-top shape. To keep them healthy and beautiful, you must fertilize them and treat them for diseases and insects throughout the year. Fertilizing your trees and shrubs will provide them with essential nutrients that promote healthy growth, lush foliage, and robust roots. Diseases and insects can inflict serious damage to their health, so you need to regularly treat them to prevent infections and infestations from causing problems. If you want to make your life easier and ensure your trees and shrubs receive only the best care, you should hire professionals to look after them!

1. Fertilize your trees and shrubs to give them essential nutrients.

Fertilizers provide much-needed nourishment for your trees and shrubs. They contain essential nutrients that all play a vital role in improving your plants' health and vigor, helping them stay lush and beautiful throughout the year. These nutrients also aid in promoting robust roots and building up their resistance so that they can endure stressful conditions like drought, fungal infections, and insect infestations.

To ensure your trees and shrubs have a consistent and sufficient supply of nutrients to feed off of year-round, you'll want to fertilize them three times per year. One application in the spring will give them a boost as they enter the new growing season, while another in the summer will help them withstand the heat. One last fertilizer treatment in the fall will deliver another surge of nutrients to prepare your trees and shrubs for winter.

Fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium - nutrients your trees and shrubs need to remain in top shape year-round!

2. Treat your trees and shrubs for diseases and insects throughout the year.

Your trees and shrubs can easily fall victim to diseases and insects, so you'll want to routinely treat them throughout the year to prevent infections and infestations from causing problems. Here are some common tree and shrub diseases and their symptoms:

  • Anthracnose: This disease causes dark lesions on the leaves of your trees and shrubs.
  • Powdery Mildew: This is a common disease that results in white, powdery growth on the surface of their foliage.
  • Cedar-Apple Rust: This infection can produce yellow or orange spots and horn-like growth on the leaves and fruits of the affected tree.

Here are common tree and shrub insects and what their damage looks like:

  • Webworms: These pests will feed on the leaves and build webs on your trees and shrubs, causing serious defoliation.
  • Aphids: Aphids suck out the sap from your plants, causing the foliage to turn yellow or curl and leaving a sticky substance.
  • Bagworms: These destructive pests will munch on foliage and construct bags where they pupate, making your plants look unattractive. Severe infestations can also kill your trees and shrubs.

3. Sign up for professional tree and shrub fertilization, disease control, and insect control treatments.

Taking care of your trees and shrubs can be tedious. You need to pay close attention to their health to ensure they are in excellent shape throughout the year, which can take much of your time. While you can do it yourself, you can make your life easier by signing up for professional tree and shrub fertilization, disease control, and insect control treatments. Hiring professionals is more convenient because you can rest easy knowing your plants receive proper care and attention.

Plant care professionals know which type of fertilizer will work best for your trees and shrubs and provide consistent nourishment throughout the year. They also have treatments proven effective at preventing fungal diseases and insect infestations from establishing, plus when to apply them so that there's no lapse in coverage.

Call us today to sign up for our tree and shrub care program!

Lush, healthy trees and shrubs are excellent landscape features that will boost your property's curb appeal. If you want them to thrive, we can help. Our team at Weedex Lawn Care provides a tree and shrub care program that includes fertilization, disease control, and insect control treatments to ensure your plants have the nourishment and protection they need to maintain their optimum condition. When you sign up for this program, we will visit your property seven times a year to monitor your plants and provide them with the care they need. We offer this service to residential properties in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, TX, and nearby areas. Call us today at (972) 727-9207 to sign up for our tree and shrub care program.