Here in Texas, ants are a common sight. While some species of ants are harmless, others can deliver painful bites to any living thing that is unfortunate enough to end up in their crosshairs. If you're noticing ant mounds in your lawn with no center holes in them, you should be careful, they're likely fire ant mounds! In addition to mounds with no center holes, other signs you may be dealing with fire ants include a lot of ant mounds on your property or noticing mounds soon after it has rained. If you suspect your lawn is infested with fire ants, you should avoid trying to handle it on your own and instead, reach out to professionals. Usually, just one professional treatment should be enough to not only eliminate fire ants from your property, but also keep them away for an entire year!
Signs the Ant Mounds on Your Property Are Fire Ant Mounds

If you're noticing ant mounds on your property, you'll want to know what kind of ants built them so you know what you're dealing with. While some ants are rather harmless while other ants can be aggressive and inflict damage on whatever living thing they bite. If there are ant mounds on your property that don't have a center hole in the top of them, it's likely a fire ant mound. Fire ant colonies are made up of underground tunnels which lead to the surface in other areas, so they don't need an exit hole at the top of them. Additionally, if you are noticing a lot of mounds on your property, they could be fire ant mounds because fire ants create around 40 mounds per acre if it's a single-queen colony. Also, if you're seeing ant mounds on your property soon after it has rained, it could be fire ant mounds because the rain can flood their tunnels, forcing them above ground to start rebuilding their mound.
Fire ant colonies can contain anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000 fire ants!
Don't try to deal with fire ants on your own!
If you suspect your lawn is infested with fire ants, don't try to deal with them on your own! These tiny insects are very aggressive, and if you disturb their mound, they will likely try and swarm you. Their bites are very painful, and if they are able to get on you, they could cause serious damage. Instead, you should reach out to lawn care professionals who are trained on how to deal with fire ants. They will be able to effectively eliminate the fire ant infestation on your property, and you won't have to worry about being bit in the process!
Lawn care professionals should be able to eliminate fire ants from your property with a single treatment.
When you reach out to lawn care professionals to deal with your fire ant problem, you'll want to ask them what their fire ant control service entails. Most companies should not only be able to eliminate a fire ant infestation with just a single treatment, but they should also be able to keep your property fire-ant free for an entire year. If the company you're thinking about hiring is trying to tell you that you need a 4-treatment plan or something along those lines, you should look for another company that can provide comprehensive protection with just a single treatment.
Give us a call today to schedule our fire ant control service.
If fire ants have infested your property, or you want to be proactive and prevent them from infesting your property in the first place, we are the team to call. At Weedex Lawn Care, we offer a fire ant control service that consists of just a single treatment that will eliminate fire ants from your property and keep them away for an entire year! We offer this service to homeowners in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, TX, and throughout the surrounding areas. Give us a call at (972) 727-9207 to schedule this service today!
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