Gray leaf spot is a lawn disease that commonly affects lawns in Texas. This fungal disease causes gray, irregularly shaped spots to appear on the blades of grass, which can eventually cause them to turn brown and die if left untreated. Gray leaf spot thrives in hot, humid conditions, so it's most active during the late spring and summer months when temperatures are warm and there's plenty of moisture. The best way to protect your turf from this destructive disease is through preventative measures, such as applying fungicides before it becomes an issue and practicing a good lawn care routine.

What is gray leaf spot, and what damage does it cause to lawns?

Close-up of grass blade with gray leaf spot at a residence in Dallas, TX.

Gray leaf spot is a common lawn disease here in Texas. This disease gets its name from the distinct symptom it displays, which is the appearance of gray-colored spots on the infected grass blades that have a darker brown border. As the disease progresses, these spots will become larger and more irregular in shape. In severe cases, they may even join together, causing the grass blades to wither and die, resulting in large, dead patches to form throughout the lawn.

Aside from gray leaf spot, other lawn diseases that can infect your lawn in Texas include brown patch and take-all root rot.

When does gray leaf spot become most active?

Wide-spread case of gray leaf spot in Dallas, TX.

Gray leaf spot thrives in hot, humid weather, making the late spring and summer months the prime time for this disease to take hold. When combined with heavy rainfall or prolonged periods of moisture, these seasons provide the perfect environment for this fungus to thrive, resulting in rapid growth and spread. Overwatering your lawn can also contribute to an outbreak since it limits air circulation and allows excess moisture to accumulate, creating ideal conditions for the disease to develop.

In addition to temperature and humidity, poor soil drainage plays a significant role in whether or not gray leaf spot will affect your lawn. Soils that are compacted or poorly drained cannot absorb water efficiently, leading to excessive moisture at the roots. This can be remedied by aerating your lawn to improve structure and allow better airflow.

How can you prevent gray leaf spot from affecting your lawn?

Someone fertilizing their lawn with a granular product in Dallas, TX.

If you want to avoid dealing with gray leaf spot on your lawn, then the best course of action is to schedule preventative treatments. Applying fungicides specifically designed to combat this disease before it has the chance to establish itself will provide the greatest level of protection. It's also important to maintain good lawn care practices, such as regular mowing, watering, and fertilizing, to keep your grass strong and healthy enough to resist infection.

When mowing your lawn, make sure your mower blades are sharp and set to the appropriate height to avoid damaging and stressing your grass, making it more susceptible to diseases like gray leaf spot. Watering your lawn deeply and infrequently, rather than frequently and shallowly, also helps to encourage deep root growth and creates stronger grass.

Give us a call today to sign up for our gray leaf spot control service!

Here at Weedex Lawn Care, we offer a top-quality gray leaf spot control service to homeowners in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, TX, and surrounding areas. Our team is trained to identify and treat various diseases, including gray leaf spot, using highly effective products, all in accordance with current industry standards.

We understand how frustrating and detrimental lawn diseases can be, which is why we go above and beyond to ensure we prevent them from infecting in the first place. However, we also treat existing ones with our curative treatments. Give us a call today at (972) 727-9207 to sign up for our professional gray leaf spot control service!