Grubs are a huge problem for lawns in Texas because they feed on the roots of your grass causing it to turn brown and die. If you've been dealing with these pests, you know how frustrating it can be to see your lawn suffer. To help your grass recover, you need to invest in lawn care services like lawn fertilization, weed control, and aeration to help your lawn recuperate and restore its tip-top shape. These services will ensure that your lawn has all the nutrients it needs, eliminate weeds that will steal those nutrients, and loosen compacted soil to improve its nutrient uptake. To prevent grubs from damaging your lawn again, you'll want to schedule a preventative grub control treatment next year to provide your turf with adequate protection against these root-munching pests.

Fertilization treatments will provide your lawn with the nutrients they need to recover from grub damage.

Lawn in Dallas, TX, receiving liquid lawn fertilization treatment.

One of the most important things your grub-damaged lawn needs after an infestation is nourishment. Lawn fertilization treatments will provide your grass with adequate nutrients to recover from a grub infestation and get back to growing strong and lush. These treatments provide vital nutrients like nitrogen that promote denser and thicker grass blades and fuel healthier growth. Your lawn will also be able to develop deeper and stronger roots that anchor it robustly into the soil so it does not succumb right away to stressors. What's more, giving your grass fertilizer after a grub infestation will help it build up its resistance against insect infestations!

To yield stellar results for your lawn, make sure you provide it with regular fertilizer treatments over the growing season!

Weed control stops weeds from stealing the nutrients your turf needs to recover from grub damage.

Weeds are a common problem for lawns, and they can make it difficult for your grass to recover from a grub infestation. That's why you need to provide it with weed control treatments to keep invasive weeds away. You'll want to administer a combination of pre-and post-emergent weed control treatments to target weeds at different stages of growth. Pre-emergent treatments prevent weeds from germinating, while post-emergent weed control will get rid of any existing weeds. By tackling weeds, your grass will have access to all the nutrients it needs to recover from grub damage without competition.

Aeration will make it easier for your lawn to absorb the nutrients needed to recover from grub damage.

Aeration is an important part of your lawn's post-grub infestation care routine because it helps your grass absorb more nutrients. When soil becomes compacted, it can be difficult for water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass. This can lead to weak, unhealthy grass that is more susceptible to pests and diseases. Aerating your lawn involves using a core aerator to remove small plugs of soil from your lawn, creating tiny holes that allow water, air, and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass. More nutrients and water reaching the roots means they will be able to grow deeper as well, which is important in maintaining healthy grass growth.

Invest in Preventative Grub Control Treatments Next Year to Prevent Another Infestation

While the right lawn care services will help your grass recover from a grub infestation, it's important to take steps to prevent another infestation in the future. That's why you'll want to schedule a preventative grub control treatment to protect your lawn from grubs. This treatment is designed to target grubs just after they hatch before they have a chance to cause damage to your lawn. It is typically applied in late spring to early summer before grubs hatch. By investing in preventative grub control treatments, you can help ensure that your lawn stays healthy and beautiful all year long.

Give us a call today to enroll in our lawn care services!

If you're looking for a reliable company to help your lawn recover from a grub infestation and protect it from future grub issues, look no further than our lawn care services at Weedex Lawn Care. We offer lawn care services like lawn fertilization, weed control, aeration, and preventative grub control to homeowners in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, and nearby areas in Texas. Give us a call today at (972) 727-9207 to enroll in our services!