Fertilizing your trees is a great way to keep them healthy and strong throughout the year. In Texas, this service should be performed in the fall, as it will give them a boost of nutrients that they can use to prepare for winter. It's also important to utilize slow-release fertilizer so that the nutrients are released gradually over a long period of time instead of all at once. This will ensure they have access to these nutrients when they need them most during the cold winter season. You should also fertilize your trees again in the spring to replenish the nutrients that they used up over the winter.

Fertilizing your trees in the fall will provide them with the nutrients they need to make it through the winter season.

The fall season brings cooler temperatures and fewer daylight hours, which can take a toll on your trees if they don't receive the proper care. Because of this, it's important to fertilize your trees in the fall to replenish their nutrient stores after using them up over the summer season. Giving your trees a fertilizer treatment in the fall will provide them with the essential nutrients needed to make it through the winter season, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These three nutrients play a huge role in maintaining your tree's vibrant green color, producing strong stems and branches, and building its root system.

Use slow-release fertilizer to keep your trees well-nourished throughout the winter season.

When it comes to fertilizing your trees, you want to make sure that you use a slow-release fertilizer. This type of fertilizer provides long-lasting results by releasing nutrients gradually over an extended period of time. The gradual release ensures your trees have a constant supply of nourishment to carry them throughout the entire winter season, giving them everything they need to thrive.

To ensure that your trees are fertilized correctly, it's best to hire professionals to do it because they will use the right type and apply them at the right time!

Remember to fertilize your trees again in the spring to replenish the nutrients they used up over the winter.

After the winter season ends and the growing season gets underway, you'll want to do everything you can to help your trees be as healthy as possible so they can remain a beautiful focal point on your property, That's why you should apply another fertilization treatment to your lawn in the spring. Applying fertilizer in the spring will replenish the nutrients that they used up over the winter season, allowing them to rebuild their strength and regain their lush, vibrant appearance.

Call us today to schedule our tree and shrub fertilization service!

At Weedex Lawn Care, we offer a tree and shrub fertilization service that is designed to help your trees stay healthy and beautiful year after year. When you sign up for this service, we will fertilize your trees in the spring, summer, and fall. We also use slow-release fertilizer during these treatments so your trees and shrubs always have a sufficient amount of nutrients to feed off of throughout the year. What's more, this program also includes tree and shrub disease and insect control treatments. These treatments will help to protect your plants from various insects and diseases that could otherwise cause serious damage to your plants!

We proudly offer our tree and shrub fertilization service to residential property owners in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, and throughout the surrounding areas in Texas. Give us a call today at (972) 727-9207 to sign up for our tree and shrub fertilization service and ensure your plants always have the nutrients they need to thrive!