Fall leaves on green grassIn the fall, turf grass can still reap positive results from pre-emergent weed control and fertilizer. In addition to surface lawn treatments, a few adjustments to your lawncare routine can prepare your grass for a healthier spring.
Mow: Don’t scalp your lawn. Raise the lawn mower blades to keep the grass ‘long’. This reduces the potential for winter freeze damage. Unless weeds are present, warm-season turf grasses like St. Augustine and Bermuda do not need to be mowed once they become dormant. If weeds are present, mow once within two weeks of any scheduled weed control application. Cool season turf grasses such as Rye and Fescue need to be mowed weekly to ensure a greener, healthier lawn.
Water: Watering during a dry fall and winter prevents root damage and creates a stronger root system. A resilient root system helps your lawn recover in the spring. Also, weak roots are more susceptible to insect and disease problems.
Pre-emergent weed control and fertilizer: Even in the cooler months, well-timed lawn treatments go a long way in creating a good looking yard. With our basic lawn treatment program, in late fall, we blanket spray a liquid pre-emergent weed control and spot treat for broadleaf weeds. St. Augustine lawns are spot treated for broadleaf weeds. To keep fall weeds from growing, always water-in the surface treatment product.
Foot Traffic: Dormant grass exposed to the elements can tolerate a moderate amount of traffic. However, a heavily worn path will be slower to green-up in the spring. Soil also becomes more compacted with heavier foot traffic. If the soil is heavily compacted then use a core aeration service on the lawn in the early spring.
Leaves: Mulching leaves into the lawn is an excellent (and free!) way to provide soil with beneficial organic matter. Organic matter plays a vital role in the uptake and processing of the nutrients.
If your St. Augustine grass has been exposed to freezing temperatures, raking or mulching leaves with a mower can damage the grass. Use a reverse blower to suck the leaves up or blow leaves into a pile for collection. If available, place the leaves in a mulcher and spread back onto the lawn.
Whether you treat your lawn yourself or hire a professional lawn service, we know you want a green, healthy yard. Our basic lawn program covers your yard through all four seasons. With each treatment, we provide detailed feedback to get the most from our lawn service.
Guaranteed satisfaction, excellent customer care, and no contracts. Request a no-hassle, free quote today.
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