Your lawn is a valuable investment that requires proper care and maintenance to thrive. One of the most effective ways to protect your lawn in Texas from diseases is by investing in preventative lawn disease control treatments. This type of disease control treatment is designed to keep diseases from developing and spreading on your lawn. By preventing lawn diseases from taking hold in the first place, you don't have to worry about them causing damage to your lawn.

Preventative lawn disease control treatments should be administered in early fall because most fungi that cause diseases thrive in moist and cool conditions. When you skip a preventative disease control treatment for your lawn, it will be more susceptible to diseases that can cause significant damage to it. A disease-stricken lawn in the winter is also more vulnerable to winter stress. Additionally, you'll need to invest in curative treatments to eliminate the disease and possibly lawn care services to help your lawn recover.

How do preventative lawn disease control treatments work?

Spraying preventative disease control treatment on a lawn in Dallas, TX.

When it comes to lawn diseases, the best thing to do about them is make sure they don't ever become an issue in your lawn. That's what preventative lawn disease control treatments are for! Preventative lawn disease control treatments will keep lawn diseases from taking hold of your turf in the first place by creating a protective barrier on your lawn. They will ensure diseases don't develop and spread on your lawn and cause serious damage to its health. They serve as a proactive approach when tackling diseases because the treatment will make sure no fungus attacks your lawn in the first place!

Preventative lawn disease control treatments will protect your grass from various diseases, like brown patch, gray leaf spot, and more.

Preventative Lawn Disease Control Treatments Should Be Applied in Early Fall

Proper timing is important when it comes to applying preventative lawn disease control treatments. These treatments should be administered in early fall because many diseases develop during the season. Applying the treatment early during the season allows you to get ahead of these lawn diseases, effectively preventing them from becoming an issue.

By ensuring your lawn is protected from diseases in the fall, it will be in its best shape to recover from any summer-related stress and prepare for the upcoming winter. Spring is another great time to give your lawn a preventative lawn disease control application to ensure your lawn is free of diseases at the start of the growing season.

What happens if you skip a preventative lawn disease control in early fall?

If you skip a preventative lawn disease control treatment in the early fall, your lawn will be more susceptible to lawn diseases. Lawn diseases can cause significant damage to your lawn, making it more vulnerable to winter stress. Additionally, if your lawn does fall victim to a lawn disease, you'll need to invest in curative treatments to eliminate the disease. Your lawn will face unnecessary stress and damage from a disease when it could have been prevented from the get-go.

When your lawn suffers from a lawn disease, you'll also end up investing in lawn care services to help it recover. This entails more money and effort on your part to restore your turf's tip-top health. These can all be avoided by scheduling a preventative lawn disease control treatment in the early fall.

Call us today to schedule your preventative lawn disease control treatment!

Make lawn diseases a non-issue on your turf with our lawn disease control service at Weedex Lawn Care! This service involves a preventative lawn disease control treatment in spring and early fall to protect your grass from diseases like brown patch, take-all root rot, and gray leaf spot. We proudly provide this service for homeowners in and around Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington, TX. Don't let lawn diseases take over your lawn. Give us a call today at (972) 727-9207 to schedule your preventative lawn disease control treatment and keep your lawn healthy and beautiful all year round.