Don't let grubs turn your lawn in Texas into an all-you-can-eat buffet this growing season! Instead, take control by scheduling a preventative grub control treatment. This treatment involves applying a specialized insecticide over your turf during the late spring or early summer to get ahead of when they hatch and keep them from feeding on its roots. Skipping a preventative treatment risks your lawn becoming damaged by grubs, which would require a curative treatment to eliminate the infestation and lawn care services to help it recover. It's crucial to invest in preventative grub control to avoid these problems and ensure your grass stays healthy and vibrant throughout the growing season.

How does preventative grub control work?

Preventative grub control is a treatment used to protect lawns from grubs, which are a type of beetle larvae. This treatment works by targeting the grubs before they have a chance to cause significant harm to the lawn. It's applied across your entire turf, where it then seeps into the soil and begins to work its way into the roots of the grass. When the newly hatched grubs attempt to feed on them, they'll ingest the product and die as a result.

When should preventative grub control be applied?

Timing is the key to preventative grub control, as it must be applied before grubs become the most active. Because of this, the best time to apply a preventative grub control treatment is in the late spring or early summer. June is the most ideal time for an application because it's early enough for the product to establish into the soil before the grubs hatch and be at its most effective. That way, your lawn stays safe from grub damage and can remain healthy and vibrant during the growing season.

What happens if you skip a preventative grub control treatment?

Skipping out on a preventative grub control treatment can have serious consequences for your lawn. Without this treatment, it is at risk of being damaged by grubs. If this happens, you will need to schedule a curative treatment to stop the grubs from causing any further damage. A curative treatment is applied to the affected area to kill off the infestation. Then, you'll need to invest in lawn care services to help your turf recover afterward. Rather than putting more work on yourself dealing with a grub infestation and nursing your lawn back to health, you'll want to avoid skipping preventative grub control!

Common lawn care services that can help your turf recover after a grub infestation include core aeration and fertilization.

Give us a call today to schedule our grub control service!

Are you worried about grubs destroying your lawn this season? If so, you can protect it from these pesky insects with our grub control service. At Weedex Lawn Care, we offer preventative treatments to ensure grubs don't cause problems in the first place. However, if you're dealing with an existing infestation, don't worry - we also provide curative applications to eliminate it, then lawn care services to help nurse it back to health. We've been handling these pesky lawn insects for 21 years, so you can trust that we have all the necessary knowledge and experience to exceed your expectations. That way, you can boast a healthy, vibrant lawn that enhances your property's curb appeal!

We offer our grub control service to residential property owners in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, and nearby communities in Texas. Don't let grubs damage your lawn's roots and ruin your property's curb appeal. Give us a call today at (972) 727-9207 to schedule and protect your precious turf from these unwanted pests.