Your lawn in Texas needs the nutrients fertilizer provides in order to grow strong and healthy, but too many of those nutrients can create problems! For example, overfertilization can cause fertilizer burn, which can damage your lawn! It can also lead to nutrient pollution in the waterways, eventually leading to environmental issues. Aside from the damage it can cause, overfertilization is also a waste of money! Your lawn can only absorb so many nutrients at a time and therefore won't benefit from it. To ensure the right amount of fertilizer is applied to your lawn and that it's applied at the right times, you should hire professionals to fertilize your lawn for you!

Overfertilizing your lawn can cause fertilizer burn.

Fertilizing your lawn is essential in order to provide it with the nutrients it needs to thrive. However, applying the correct amount at the right times is crucial for optimal lawn health. When you fertilize your lawn too often or apply too much fertilizer in one application, it can result in fertilizer burn. This burn occurs because your lawn is unable to absorb all the nutrients provided to it and the high concentration of salt in the fertilizer eventually pulls water out of the turf, drying it. Your turf will then have a scorched appearance with dried-out patches of grass.

Overfertilization is common during the summer when weather conditions are hot and dry.

Too much fertilizer can lead to nutrient pollution.

Overfertilization can contribute to nutrient pollution, a phenomenon characterized by an excessive presence of nutrients in waterways, leading to diminished oxygen levels and various ecological disturbances. When your lawn becomes saturated with nutrients beyond its capacity to absorb, the surplus can either leach out or runoff into nearby gutters. These excess nutrients eventually find their way into lakes and streams, where they trigger the rapid growth of algae. This overgrowth leads to a cascade of environmental issues, affecting the delicate balance of aquatic ecosystems.

Overfertilizing your lawn is a waste of money.

Unfortunately, overfertilizing your lawn won't help it. Your lawn is only able to absorb so many nutrients at once. For this reason, overfertilizing would be a waste of money because your lawn won't be able to benefit from it. Instead, it's better to apply the right amount of fertilizer and do so only when needed. You'll get a better result, and you will save time and money!

Hire professionals to fertilize your lawn.

A healthy, fertilized lawn in Dallas, TX, with a house a professional van.

Properly fertilizing your lawn can get tricky at times. If not done correctly, it could cause more harm than good. To ensure your lawn is fertilized correctly, you should hire professionals! They'll know how much to apply and do so at the right times to yield the best results! This way, you won't have to worry about overfertilizing your grass and you can just sit back and enjoy a health y lawn without having to do any work!

Reach out to us today to schedule our lawn fertilization service.

At Weedex Lawn Care, we have the knowledge and expertise needed to yield a robust, lush lawn. Our lawn fertilization service includes eight treatments throughout the year to provide your grass with the nutrients it needs to flourish. Between May and September, we will apply three rounds of slow-release granular fertilizer to reduce the risk of fertilizer burn during the hottest months of the year while still providing your lawn with the nutrients it needs.

We offer this service to residential properties in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano, %%targetarea5%%, TX, as well as many other surrounding cities. Begin your lawn's journey to year-round health by reaching out to us today at (972) 727-9207 to sign up!