Fire ants are a dangerous ant species that commonly infest lawns in Texas. However, there are also a variety of other ant species in this area that can infest your lawn. So, you'll want to know how to tell fire ant mounds apart from the other types of ant mounds so you can make sure to stay away from them and call professionals to eliminate them! There are a few ways to distinguish fire ant mounds from others. One easy way is to look at the top of the mound – fire ant mounds don't have a center hole, unlike other types of ant mounds. They also often go unnoticed until after it rains, when they suddenly start appearing on your lawn. Additionally, fire ants are much more aggressive than other types of ants when disturbed! Continue reading to learn more about how to tell if the ant mounds on your property are fire ant mounds!
Fire ant mounds don't have center holes.

One simple way to tell fire ant mounds from other types of ant mounds is to look at the center of them. Fire ant mounds don't have a center hole like other ant mounds. Instead, they often resemble harmless piles of dirt on the ground. There is no center hole because, unlike other ants, fire ants build their tunnels underground and don't have to enter and exit the nest through only one tunnel on the top. If you look closely at a fire ant mound, you can see several tiny holes spread across the mound, which connect to the underground tunnels. These tunnels give the fire ants access to other areas of your lawn where they will then build new nests as the colony grows.
Fire ant tunnels can connect to multiple mounds!
Fire ant mounds typically appear after it rains.
In most situations, you won't notice fire ant mounds on your lawn until it rains. A few days after it rains, step outside and see if you notice any newly formed ant mounds, this could indicate the presence of fire ants! Fire ant mounds commonly only appear after heavy rainfall because they construct their nests underground, rather than above ground. When it rains heavily the water seeps into the ground and floods their tunnels. Once their tunnels get flooded, they have no choice but to build up and the result is the ant mounds you then see on your lawn.
Fire ants are aggressive after they've been disturbed.
Not all ants act aggressively when disturbed, so if you notice the ants on your lawn acting aggressively, there's a good chance they're fire ants. They are one of the only types of ants that will act quickly and aggressively when they believe their nest is in danger. They can sense vibrations in the ground and know when someone or something is near. They will then charge up any verticle surface they can, such as grass blades, shoes, legs, and so on. Once they reach the threat, they will bite and sting, resulting in swollen bumps on the skin that can turn into blisters.
Call us today to schedule our fire ant control service.
If you suspect fire ant mounds on your lawn, we are the team to turn to! As part of our fire ant control service, our team will visit your property to confirm the presence of fire ants and then apply a long-lasting granular treatment to eliminate the infestation and prevent new ones. This treatment covers your entire lawn to ensure comprehensive protection. We provide this service to residential properties in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano, TX, and neighboring areas. Contact us today at (972) 727-9207 to get started!
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