When small, circular patches of tan grass begin to appear on your lawn in Texas, the culprit might be dollar spot! Dollar spot is a lawn disease, caused by the fungus Clarireedia jacksonii. It thrives in warm temperatures and when grass remains wet for extended periods. If allowed to spread, it can eventually cause your grass to die! If you suspect your grass is suffering from dollar spot, the best thing to do is contact a team of professionals who will inspect your turf and confirm the disease before administering an effective curative treatment to eliminate it. While this treatment will eliminate this disease, you'll also want to invest in lawn care services like fertilization, weed control, and aeration to help your grass recover and stay resilient to diseases in the future!

What is dollar spot, and what damage does it cause to a lawn?

A lawn in Dallas, TX, affected by dollar spot disease.

If your lawn has small white or tan spots on the turf, then it might be suffering from dollar spot! Dollar spot is a lawn disease caused by a fungus that commonly grows in the spring once nightly temperatures rise above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. In order to thrive, though, it requires extended periods of grass wetness. If it's not treated, the lesions will continue to grow and the affected grass eventually dies, leaving large circles of dead grass on your lawn.

Dollar spot requires turf to be wet for 10 to 12 continuous hours in order for it to grow.

What should you do if you suspect your lawn is infected with dollar spot?

As soon as you notice the first signs of dollar spot on your lawn, it's best to take action to prevent it from spreading and causing severe damage. Contacting professionals is crucial to effectively eliminate this disease. Professionals have the experience and knowledge needed to accurately confirm the presence of dollar spot and administer the correct curative treatment to eliminate it from your lawn.

You should invest in lawn care services to help your grass recover from dollar spot.

While professional treatments can eliminate dollar spot from your lawn, they can't reverse any damage your lawn has already sustained. Fortunately, you can invest in some lawn care services to help your turf recover and get back to its healthy, green state, such as lawn fertilization, weed control, and aeration. Fertilizer can supply your lawn with the nutrients it needs to strengthen its root system and green up again. Weed control will eliminate current weeds and prevent new ones from sprouting, so your grass doesn't have to compete with them for nutrients and resources. Core aeration will loosen compacted soil and create channels that nutrients and other resources can use to reach the roots of your grass. With improved access to these resources, your grass will have everything it needs to recover from dollar spot.

Give us a call today to schedule our dollar spot control service.

At Weedex Lawn Care, we're happy to help eliminate dollar spot from your lawn. If you believe this lawn disease is present on your turf, we will come out to your property to confirm it and then administer a curative treatment to eliminate it. We also offer a variety of lawn care services, such as lawn fertilization, weed control, and core aeration, that you can take advantage of to help your grass recover from dollar spot and begin its journey back to health. We offer our dollar spot control service, as well as our lawn care services to residential properties in Dallas, TX, as well as Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano, %%targetarea5%%, and many other surrounding cities. Give us a call today at (972) 727-9207 to sign up!