Dollar Spot Control Service | Dallas, Fort Worth & Arlington, TX | Weedex Lawn Care

Dollar Spot Control Service in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, & Nearby Areas in Texas

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Dollar Spot Control in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, TX & Surrounding Cities

We offer preventative and curative treatments to prevent and eliminate dollar spot from your lawn.

Protect your lawn from the damaging effects of dollar spot with our comprehensive dollar spot control treatments at Weedex Lawn Care. Our preventative treatments are strategically applied in the spring and early fall, targeting the fungus before it can take hold and cause damage. For existing dollar spot infections, our curative treatments are designed to effectively eradicate the fungus. Additionally, our treatments are effective against other common lawn diseases like brown patch, gray leaf spot, and take-all root rot. By targeting these diseases directly, we will provide your lawn with comprehensive protection, ensuring its health and vitality throughout the growing season.

We proudly service homeowners in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, TX, and nearby cities. Contact us today at (972) 727-9207 to schedule our dollar spot control service!

We Offer Preventative Treatments to Prevent Dollar Spot From Infecting Your Lawn

Dollar spot lawn disease affecting a lawn in Dallas, TX.

Preventing lawn diseases like dollar spot is essential, as reversing the damage once your lawn is infected can be challenging. At Weedex Lawn Care, we understand the detrimental effects lawn diseases can have on your turf. That's why we offer comprehensive preventative treatments to safeguard your lawn from dollar spot. Our preventative treatments are strategically applied in the spring and early fall, targeting the fungus before it can take hold and cause damage. This proactive approach not only protects your turf but also ensures it remains healthy and vibrant throughout the growing season.

We Offer Curative Treatments to Eliminate Existing Dollar Spot Infections

If your lawn is already suffering from a dollar spot infection, our curative treatments are designed to effectively eradicate the fungus. Dollar spot can quickly spread and cause significant damage to your turf, so it's important to address it promptly. Our curative treatments are applied as needed, whenever you notice signs of this lawn disease. By targeting the fungus directly, we will eliminate the infection so that your lawn can focus on recovering.

Once we eradicate dollar spot from your turf, you can take advantage of our lawn care services to help it recover, like fertilization and aeration!

Our dollar spot control treatments also work on other lawn diseases.

Our dollar spot control treatments are not only effective against dollar spot but also against several other common lawn diseases. Those diseases include:

  • Brown patch: Brown patch is characterized by circular patches of brown, dead grass that can quickly spread and damage your lawn.
  • Gray leaf spot: Gray leaf spot appears as small, gray spots on the grass blades, leading to thinning and weakened turf.
  • Take-all root rot: This disease affects the roots of grass, causing yellowing, thinning, and ultimately death of the turf.

Our treatments are designed to target these diseases, providing your lawn with comprehensive protection and ensuring its health and vitality.

We've been protecting lawns in Texas from various lawn diseases since 2001!

Give us a call today to sign up for our dollar spot control service!

At Weedex Lawn Care, we understand the frustration of dealing with dollar spot and its impact on your lawn's health. That's why we offer both preventative and curative treatments to protect your lawn. Our preventative treatments keep dollar spot from causing problems in the first place, while our curative treatments eliminate existing infections. We serve residents in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, TX, and surrounding areas. Contact us at (972) 727-9207 today to schedule our dollar spot control service!