Take-All Root Rot Control in Dallas, Fort Worth & Arlington, TX | Weedex Lawn Care

Take-All Root Rot Control in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, & Nearby Areas in Texas

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Take-All Root Rot Control Service in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington & Nearby Areas in Texas

Our take-all root rot control treatments are also effective against a variety of other lawn diseases!

Take-all root rot is a lawn disease that commonly affects and is most devastating for lawns with St. Augustine grass here in Texas. This disease can cause serious damage to your turf if left untreated, which is where we come in! At Weedex Lawn Care, we offer both preventative and curative take-all root rot treatments so you can get ahead of this lawn disease before it gets a foothold on your property or eliminate an existing infestation. We offer our preventative treatments in spring and early fall, as these are the best times to get ahead of this disease, and our curative treatments can be scheduled any time they are needed! What's more, our take-all root rot control treatments are also effective against a variety of other lawn diseases like brown patch and gray leaf spot.

We offer our take-all root rot control service to residential property owners in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, and throughout the surrounding areas in Texas. Give us a call at (972) 727-9207 to schedule this service today!

We Offer Preventative & Curative Take-All Root Rot Control Treatments

One of the best ways to fight off take-all root rot is by taking preventive measures. At Weedex Lawn Care, we offer preventative take-all root rot control treatments to do just that! These treatments are designed to stop this fungal-based disease before it has a chance to infect your lawn. If you think your lawn may already be infected with take-all root rot, we can help eradicate it with our curative treatments. Our curative treatments are designed to stop this disease in its tracks so it can continue to cause damage to your lawn. We use a special fungicide that specifically targets take-all root rot, allowing us to give you the best results.

We offer lawn fertilization treatments that can supply your lawn with the nutrients it needs to recover from a lawn disease.

When do we offer our take-all root rot control treatments?

Take-all root rot can infect lawns at various points during the year, which is why we offer our control treatments when they will be most effective. We offer our preventative treatments in spring and early fall, as these are the times of the year when they will be most effective at preventing this disease from taking a foothold in your lawn. However, our curative treatments are available at any time. If this lawn disease ever infects your lawn, just give us a call and we'll come right out to administer our curative treatment to eliminate it ASAP!

Our treatments are also effective against other lawn diseases.

While our take-all root rot control treatments are highly effective at preventing or eliminating this lawn disease, they are also effective against several other lawn diseases that are common in our area. Some of the other lawn diseases our treatments are effective against include:

Give us a call today to schedule our take-all root rot control treatments.

Whether you're looking to protect your lawn from being infected with take-all root rot, or you need help dealing with a current infection, we are here to help! At Weedex Lawn Care, we offer both preventative and curative take-all root rot control treatments, and they are specially formulated to target this disease! We offer this service to homeowners in Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, and nearby areas in Texas. Give us a call today at (972) 727-9207 to schedule our take-all root rot control treatments. We look forward to working with you to help you achieve the beautiful, healthy lawn of your dreams!